Abraham's Chaldean Descent (Josephus)
Arphachshadites are "NOW CALLED CHALDEANS,"
suggesting that he understands Abraham to be descended not from the peoples
of Northern Mesopotamia and the area of Urfa/Harran, but from Babylonia. It
is important to remember that Josephus is writing in Greek for an audience
that understands Chaldea to be Babylonia, not Upper Mesopotamia:
"Arphaxad named the Arphaxadites, who are now called Chaldeans...Sala was
the son of Arphaxad; and his son was Heber, from whom they originally called
the Jews Hebrews." (Josephus, Antiquities 1.6.4)
Arpachshad represents a community is rather supported by
the fact that it is mentioned in Gen 10:22, where it is accompanied by the
names of Elam, Asshur, Lud and Aram, which were later, as we know, names of
Abraham as witness to the divine promise
that he should be the "father of a multitude of nations." Accordingly,
`abhraham is represented as being in some way similar to `abh hamon (goyim).
from `abh hamon by any known lexicography. The biblical reference must be
seen as a popular etymology (volksetymologie), resting on assonance rather
than sound philology- a phenomenon common in Genesis (e.g., 2:23b, 25b;
11:9a)...It is best to take `abhraham as an Aramaic expansion of `abram, and
basically identical with it it in form and meaning...Although philologically
unsound, the traditional explanation of Abraham's name
Eber (Heber 'Aybar) ibn Shelah King of Babylon
Ibiranu I (King) of UGARIT; poss. King in BABYLON
Children: Peleg (q.v. : Eber's son) ; Joktan ben EBER
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