Sunday, October 9, 2016

06-7 Hammurabbi 1810 B.C. - 1750 B.C

Hammurabbi 1810 B.C. - 1750 B.C.

Hammurabi became king of the city-state of Babylon in 1792 B.C,when he was a young adult. Other kings ruled the 30 or so other Mesopotamian cities.Rivalry among these rulers was great. To increase there power,rulers formed partnerships with each other.Hammurabi, with the help of his allies,began conquering neighboring cities.One of his main goals was to gain control of irrigation systems and the farming economy. By 1754 B.C. Hammurabi had conquered more than 20 cities.  All  of  Mesopotamia came under Hammurabi 's  rule. Hammurabi was a brilliant  warrior,but his military tactics could be brutal. One strategy he probably used was damming a waterway and then releasing  it to flood a city. The crowning achievement of his final years was his code of 282 laws,which he had  engraved on a towering stone monument. Hammurabbi ruled Mesopotamia (The land between The Tigris and Euphrates rivers) .

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